
Photo diary: Night life at Eastwood

Friday, April 26, 2013

A photo diary today! <333

How I wish I can post an outfit everyday! Do you have a wish like mine? They say a productive blogger needs to update his/her blog always. But my problem is I can't post outfits everyday. But I want to always update my blog. I'll tell you a story about myself when I was a unproductive blogger. Last year, my blog wasn't been updated for a couple of months. The reason was I'm busy in school works, and I can't wear appropriate for an outfit post. If I have time, I'm lazy to have a shoot. As I think about it, it's all my fault that my blog was dead (not updated). But now, since it's almost the start of the year, I WANT to update my blog, to know some through my blog, and to be APPRECIATED by my readers. That's all I want. Not popularity but appreciation. <3

For the meantime, I'll blog not just about outfits but also my personal life to update you. Is that okay with you? I hope you still read my no-outfit posts. I hope this posts will leave you some inspiration or thoughts and I'm open if you want to share something :)
To know the details of my outfit, you can see it on my post HERE
I want a real one of this HUGE Mcdo Fries! Hahah. I can eat it for a month!
We ate at TGIFridays again. (my all new favorite restaurant)

Looking at these foods makes me hungry. Hahah do you too?  

After we ate at TGIF, we spent some hours at Caffe bene. It's my first time there so I tried their chocolate frap without coffee. It's delicious! Next time I will try the good looking cakes and the ice cream! <3
The dancing fountain of Eastwood! It's really dancing, seriously! :)

That's the drink I tried. Yummy! You should try it when you go to caffe bene! :) This post wasn't just a photo diary but a reflection post. Hihihi. I feel so happy posting this kind of things because it's like I have something to talked to, something to share with...like a FRIEND. Ohh I miss my friends. We still have no plans on hanging out. :( I hope before school, we can get together! HI FRIENDS, SAAN GALA NATIN? Hihi

I just wanna say that I'll be having a family getaway tomorrow at subic! Yey, I can feel the summer before it ends! We'll be there for two days and I won't bring my laptop so follow my instagram account @caitlinnroxette to know what will I be doing this weekend. I'll be back on Monday and I will surely blog about my 2-day summer luxury! :)

End of today's late post! It's raining hard outside, is it raining too in your place?
Hope everyone's safe! Goodnight everyone! <333

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