
New in me

Friday, January 31, 2014

(forever 21 top, @stylestunnermanila dropwaist skirt, boots from bazaar)

I've been telling on my previous posts that I'm looking for a pair of boots and at last, I own one. What's with the boots that I like? Well, it's very simple. I like boots because even though you just wear simple apparels with the boots, it makes you look stunning and fab! Currently, I'm in the stage of addiction with boots. 
One tip to share for today; let yourself try on new things and you will discover something new in you just like what I've been experiencing right now.
What do you think?  

my instagram account: @caitlinnroxette

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  1. Love your boots and I agree, it's always surprising how great it feels to try new things out (:

    not haute
