
One of the greatest

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

(Jellybean top and denim blazer, Sponsored shorts, Landmark stockings, Aldo wedge sneakers, and Forever 21 hat)

 This month, my blog is already 1 year!!! Ohh time flies so fast. I had so many experiences within 1 year about fashion and blogging. I've also met a lot of people in the fashion industry that really help me to be a person who am I right now. Thank you soo much for all those who read my blog!! I'm looking forward for myself to blog more often and share more style tips! Oh, stay tune for some new upgrades on my blog and exciting treats I will be giving!! Yay! 

This was my outfit when I joined our department's search for fashionista. I won in the first round when we must have the most number of likes and during the finals, sadly, I didn't won. The challenge in the finals was to style the apparel that they will be giving. Maroon leather shorts was the one given to me and I styled it up this way! I highly recommend to wear stockings in shorts if you are a conservative person. Even though I didn't won, it was one of the greatest opportunity I had in my life and I will not forget about this. I hope you like how I styled the shorts in an edgy way!

Happy Anniversary to my blog! <333
Follow me on instagram @caitlinnroxette

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