
Black BOHO

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

(top from @vaintageph, denim cover-up from Jellybean, dream catcher necklace from @summersoulgypsy, slip-ons from Topshop, sunnies from Sunnies Studio)

Embracing the world of monochrome but with a twist. I put a beaming hue on my outfit. Thanks to my dream catcher necklace @summersoulgypsy gave to me. It made my look balanced and striking. Aftermath of wearing the necklace with the monochromatic style, black boho. And with the finishing touch, I wore a denim cover-up to not expose too much skin. 
Talking about what I have been up lately, I was busy with some org stuffs, some memorisation of poems, preparing gifts for Christmas, and a daily dose of random fashion inspirations. What about you?

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