New Adventures
Friday, January 08, 2016
It's 8th of January 2016 and here I am, having much relish with the school break. Maximizing it by continuos getaway with the family, doing some errands, and thinking of how can I meliorate my blog. Speaking of getaways, I will be bumming myself in the next days at our country's winter-feel places. That calls for an organized photoshoot with my dad and I feel so excited to share it here. Also, talking about meliorating my blog, I have a couple of plans that involves myself getting out of the box because I thought that this year will be my time to do something new to my passion since I will be finishing school and another chapter of my life awaits me. But for now, it will all be secrets and plans and I'm currently seizing actions for it to be done.
I will not end this condensed post by telling that I'm obsessing myself with Snapchat app and if you're feeling the same, it would be so nice for you to add me and let's snap: caitlinnroxette (same with my instagram) Ps: honestly speaking, I always post snaps and sometimes I have very weird snaps haha!
sm gtw vest, bu6 sneakers